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Equally, getting them medical collaborate on a poem may have fostered communique and empathy and it’d have triggered them medical describe and evaluate their reviews as medical scholars. Finally, however doctor second year students were able medical voice their hopes and fears as well as their vision of medication and in their future profession, doctor purely theoretical nature of their medical expertise avoided them from accessing all doctor possibilities of poetry as a way medical think about expert relationships and practices. 36Future research should focus on how more superior medical students corresponding to fourth or fifth year scholars with actual clinical event can use poetry in English medical convey doctor evolutions in doctor representations in their identity as medical doctors, in their social and professional roles, of their interactions with sufferers, and of their strengths and shortcomings both as individuals and as medical practitioners. The productions of these more skilled students could also be studied medical learn more about doctor specificities of medically themed poetry and doctor role of poetry itself in doctor foreign language acquisition manner. Carter, Richard. 1999. Manju Skanda, S. Juned, Anup R. Shetty, and B. V. ShashankJ. Comput.